Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Birthday Surprise--Sort of!!

My sweet husband made some secret plans to take me to " The Roof" restaurant for my birthday. The restaurant has spectacular views of temple square in Salt Lake. We had a great time, even though I spoiled the surprise! Darren hates that he can't ever keep anything from me! We felt like such adults--we had to dress up and make reservations and everything!! Our great friends Ryan and Kristie came with us. I ate so many shrimp I thought I might start turning pink!! Yum, Yum!! Thanks babe, for a great birthday celebration!
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A Birthday Surrounded By Good Friends!

Our women's church group, put on a program about the ten virgins for our Christmas program. The performance happened to fall on my birthday, but it was such a treat to spend the evening with such great and talented women!! Happy Birthday to me--even if I was a "foolish" virgin!!
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