Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Twins are Ten!!

It just does not seem possible, but it is true--my babies are a decade old!! Being the mother of twins is one of my favorite blessings!! It is the blessing I never knew I wanted, and the one I thought I would never be able to handle! As I looked back on all the old pictures--the memories and the tears started flooding over me--the sleepless nights, the showerless days, the nursing, the diapers-- finally getting them dressed only to realize that, although Zach looked cute in pink, Darren would not appreciate having his son dressed like a girl! The day the twins started Kindergarten Darren had to come home from work to console his hysterical wife--my older children have teased me that I will forever call Mary and Zach the "babies"--I have graduated from the "babies" to the "twins"!! There is a poem about being the mother of twins that I recall often--the last stanza if my favorite--"The answer comes clear, at the end of the day, when I tuck them in bed, and to myself say--there are two to kiss and two to hug, but best of all there are two to love!" Happy Birthday Babies---thanks for the memories!
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A Nagging Mom--Noisy! A Car In The Driveway you can't use--Annoying! A Finished Eagle Project--Priceless!!!

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So the reason for no posts in so long is simple--a camera that has been at the repair shop for way toooooo long!! It is still at the shop, but luckily Alex had his camera for some shots of his Eagle Project! He painted some safety lines for the kindergarten area of the school where I work. He also painted some basketball courts on the playground. He had great support from his friends and our ward members. I think Alex is walking a little taller now that he has that burden lifted!! Now if I can just talk him in to having a court of honor---I think that will be harder than getting him to do his project!!! We are so proud of him and the service he has given!
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