Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Twins are Ten!!

It just does not seem possible, but it is true--my babies are a decade old!! Being the mother of twins is one of my favorite blessings!! It is the blessing I never knew I wanted, and the one I thought I would never be able to handle! As I looked back on all the old pictures--the memories and the tears started flooding over me--the sleepless nights, the showerless days, the nursing, the diapers-- finally getting them dressed only to realize that, although Zach looked cute in pink, Darren would not appreciate having his son dressed like a girl! The day the twins started Kindergarten Darren had to come home from work to console his hysterical wife--my older children have teased me that I will forever call Mary and Zach the "babies"--I have graduated from the "babies" to the "twins"!! There is a poem about being the mother of twins that I recall often--the last stanza if my favorite--"The answer comes clear, at the end of the day, when I tuck them in bed, and to myself say--there are two to kiss and two to hug, but best of all there are two to love!" Happy Birthday Babies---thanks for the memories!
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Melanie said...

Beautifully written, Jamie! I found myself thinking back on when my kids were babies and multiplying it by two. So tiring and so rewarding! Happy birthday Zach and Mary!

Mindi B said...

You're so cute, Jamie! At least they will always know how loved they are!