Happy New Year!
I am proud to be posting on the first day of a new year, mostly because
I did not post once in 2010!
2010 did give me a new way to document my family's
comings and goings, our highs and lows, our joys and sorrows!
The new way was (is) called Project Life!( http://www.beckyhiggins.com/)
This entailed taking a picture for every day of
the year, and then journaling about that picture. I am proud to say I took
a picture every day in 2010!
Well, let me rephrase that--I took a picture FOR every day in 2010!
There were a few days I realized after climbing into bed--that
I did not have my picture of the day yet! I would think about what
I wanted my picture to be and then take the picture the next day!
Call it cheating if you will, but I have to be honest!
There were also days I had help from those closest to me! Like
the time Darren and I came home from a date and Zachie asked me
if I had my picture of the day yet. When I said no-
he smiled real big, and said "good, I have one!"
He showed me the picture he had taken of the first quesadilla
he had made all my himself. He has also set the table for him and his twin sister
to eat their gourmet dinner, and he was so proud he had taken a picture
of it! That was the day I knew this project was changing my family!
There was also the day my neighbor took a picture of my family
taking a springtime nap on a blanket in our backyard. When we woke up
our neighbor called out his window "I have your
picture of the day!"(I still need to get that picture!)
There have been friends who have been so thrilled when
I tell them they are my picture of the day! I sort of find it funny
because it is not like the picture will be posted in the New York Times-
I mean, this is just Jamie taking pictures!
I have also had many, many people ask to see my finished product.
It is in an album soon to be put in my family room, after I put
in those last pictures from 2010!
So this year, just to push myself a little (and to
let my friends and family
see all those pictures
they are in!)
I am also going to blog my pictures of the day!
Which means I am going from no blogposts in 2010--to 365 blog
posts in 2011!
The #1 reason I love taking a POTD(Picture Of The Day)
is because it helps me see the little
everyday things in my life that make it
I love that I have a picture of unfolded whites
sitting in my laundry room--because I hate folding whites!
I love that I have a picture of the blossoms on my trees
last spring because looking at that picture now
reminds me of good things to come!
I have pictures of all the big things that happened in
2010--Alex graduating from
high school, Darren turning 40, Cassidy going on her
first date, Alex leaving for college, Connor scoring a touchdown!
But almost more importantly
I have pictures of all little things that happened
in 2010, as well--and I am proud of that!
So join me if you would like, on another adventure-just
watch out! You never know who or what might become
my Picture Of The Day!